Holly LaddersPaul MatteiJordhaneMajid Hassani.Jimmy TexierCharritylCiara LaurisSharonaVladimir « Moustik »Annan NKumaFathia NKuma, Annan’s wifeOkor NKumaMensah NKumaKamega. Absolute master of AgbogbloshieLiz Mattei – Paul’s sisterGiulia MatteiNada Jaber.Member of HezbollahHussein Kazan. Nada’s husband, doctor for HezbollahFarahCharbel. Leader of the Cedar Protectors militiaElie Murr. Active member of ‘Les Protecteurs du CèdreKarim Al-KarouSakina JaberJack Austin – CIA AnalystGabriel CohenOdessa Koon. Director of Watts OrphanageMichael ParkerAbadio BatweBote Garand. Head of the Accra Criminal Investigation Department.GyftiCharly JesperKodjo Ebonna – Accra Police